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Template for Crusade Distances Spreadsheet
Page history
last edited
by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago
Leg of Journey | Distance | Lyon, France - Torino, Italy | | Torino, Italy - Pisa, Italy | | Pisa, Italy - Genova, Italy | | Genova, Italy - Rome, Italy | | Rome, Italy - Bari, Italy | | Bari, Italy - Durres, Albania | | Durres, Albania - Ohrid, Macedonia | | Ohrid, Macedonia - Thessaloniki, Greece | | Thessaloniki, Greece - Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey) | | Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey) - Pendik, Turkey | | Pendik, Turkey - Izmit, Turkey | | Izmit, Turkey - Iznik Turkey | | Iznik Turkey - Beylikahir, Turkey | | Beylikahir, Turkey - Aksehir, Turkey | | Aksehir, Turkey - Dedeler, Konya Turkey | | Dedeler, Konya Turkey - Pozanti, Turkey | | Pozanti, Turkey - Tarsus, Turkey | | Tarsus, Turkey - Antioch, Syria | | Antioch, Syria - Homs, Syria | | Homs, Syria - Tripoli, Lebanon | | Tripoli, Lebanon - Beirut , Lebanon | | Beirut , Lebanon - Sidon, Lebanon | | Sidon, Lebanon - Tyre, Lebanon | | Tyre, Lebanon - Akko, Israel | | Akko, Israel - Yafo, Israel | | Yafo, Israel - Jerusalem, Israel | | Total Distance | |
Template for Crusade Distances Spreadsheet
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