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on October 20, 2006 at 11:54:24 am
Welcome to Mrs. Thorne's Crusades Wiki!
Cities of the Crusades
- Turin (Torino, Italy)
- Pisa (slightly off) (Pisa, Italy)
- Genoa (Genova, Italy)
- Rome (Rome, Italy)
- Bari (Bari, Italy)
- Durazzo (Durres, Albania)
- Ochrida (Ohrid, Macedonia)
- Thessalonica (Thessaloniki, Greece)
- Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Jerusalem, Syria
- Jaffa,”
- Acre, “
- Tyre, “
- Sidon, “
- Beirut, “
- Tripoli, “
- Homs (Emesa), “
- Antioch, “
- Tarsus, Sultanate of Roum
- Heraclea, “
- Iconium, “
- Philomelian, “
- Dorylaeum, “
- Nicae, “
- Nicomedia, “
- Calehedon, “
Maps of the crusades
Other Stuff
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